Move on Forward | Teen Ink

Move on Forward

May 21, 2011
By WolfPup3791 SILVER, Decatur, Indiana
WolfPup3791 SILVER, Decatur, Indiana
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let go Let God

How did I get to where I am?
On this life train moving forward,
when all I want to be
is where I was before,
But that stop is dead and gone,
oh, how I wish it wasn’t so!
Did I, or could I have
Something worth coming back for?

Time and time again,
I try to go back to see,
and believe that the things there once were
could have possibly waited for me.
And it seems that way,
until the things I see
are the distorted image
of things I wish to see

Sometimes the things are memories
of things I rather forget
or people I held dear to me
that think of me not and care no more
I try to fight the flow of tears
that come forth anyway
because reality has struck
there was nothing left for me.

My time was over and done
and I needed back on the train
that keeps on moving forward
searching for something to come back for.
I could keep fighting
to keep what I have left,
but that requires
more strength than I have left.

So now I stand here praying
about which journey to take,
to keep on moving forward
or to stay here unwanted.
The thing that hurt the most,
is the deception people play
to let you think your someone
until you move on forward.

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