Kaleidescope Kind | Teen Ink

Kaleidescope Kind MAG

February 16, 2011
By Anonymous

I don't mind the ticket stubs
Or bruised thumbs
Coffee and cough drops
Litter her purse and live in her throat
I suppose if you broke me I would not see
But I can't help but want.
Slice me open;
I am ready.

She wore a dress, he donned a tie
It was dark and damp and smelled like kerosene and burnt-out matches
But every time the sun comes up
she's not asleep
Don't try to belong to the
Sunset girls
And their rag-a-tag guys
You feel better when you're tiptoeing
to a spinning LP
You won't feel better with your shirt off
and your head far from the clouds

Breaking me; build me; rip me up
This is my body
Laid out for you
This is my dignity
Wrapped in a bow

I can't help but watch
As kids turn older
And turn grayer with the dimming light
But you're fuchsia burning bright
Bright bright
Don't dim out with the pastels
Keeping running 'til your pastry patience runs crust dry

Yeah, I suppose if you saw my eyes
you could see
Every color and none at all
I am the summer
You are the fall
You change and are always on time,
always loved
Keep dancing to the rhythm of your
soul-splattered feet
Spin and twirl
And stay in my arms
I cut you deep and you dare not bleed
Someone believes they're not needed
Rise above your mistakes, live in your
Love light. Live
like your kaleidoscope kind.

The author's comments:
My piece was:
Written in a haphazard, stream-of-consciousness type of way.
Possibly bad.

I apologize if it is.
Enjoy :)

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This article has 5 comments.

on Nov. 11 2011 at 3:13 pm
ApolloSun PLATINUM, Evanston, Illinois
25 articles 0 photos 10 comments
This is a fantastic poem! the discription is astonishing and the words are all placed in exactly the right place! 

on Nov. 4 2011 at 7:38 pm
silentpeacock BRONZE, Whitney, Texas
1 article 1 photo 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
all it takes is all youve got

i loved the scatterbrained rythym of it. it reminds me of some of mine. im not good with love poems andi felt like there was an underlying meaning, but i didnt get it.

on Nov. 4 2011 at 2:45 pm
Mandiella DIAMOND, Plaistow, New Hampshire
73 articles 58 photos 349 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't waste time. Start procrastinating now.

This is cool. I don't really know what the message of it is, but it's cool. I think you need some more punctuation in some places. Sometimes I wasn't sure where a sentence stopped and another began. This line is awesome: "It was dark and damp and smelled like kerosene and burnt-out matches." Great description!

on Nov. 2 2011 at 4:23 pm
Pamplemousse SILVER, Gilbert, Arizona
7 articles 1 photo 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To be happy, Don't do whatever you like, Like whatever you do" -James Barrie (author of Peter Pan)

Beautiful, and I its sort of written how we all think. Just thoughts coming in and out. A little all over the place but compelling at the same time.

on Nov. 1 2011 at 7:47 am
IWillDream54 GOLD, Amarillo, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Look out, they&#039;re coming after us with big guns,<br /> They&#039;re only gonna tell you all the bad things I&#039;ve done<br /> Even if they words they say aren&#039;t true they&#039;ve won,<br /> Now I&#039;m left here dying in the sun...&quot;

Ok wow. That was absolutely amazing!! You have such an obvious talent! Keep writing! I love the discription and the words all flow. Over all: beautiful.