Your Flow | Teen Ink

Your Flow

January 15, 2011
By RayOD GOLD, Millersburg, Ohio
RayOD GOLD, Millersburg, Ohio
12 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Man kind must end war or war will end man kind.

All I am is what i'm meant to be
Ill sit in my bed with nobody except me
I'm not ashamed of what I can do
So forever to my self ill stay true
Emotions will flow as a waterfall
I wont just write down my heart
Ill write down myself and all
I write for the weak
For the people who wish they'd be dead every weak
I don't expect them to shed a tear
I just want them to hear
Why others get through it and steps on how
That some people have got nothing more than this poem now
Expecting nothing in return
All I can do is pray that the vines of hate will burn
Charred ashes will churn
and generate a fiery heart that will sing a new song
Screaming to pass this poem along

The author's comments:
I want to help those who don't want to be. Pass this poem on to every person who has emotional problems or is depressed. Im hoping it will change them.

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