The Tangled Jungle | Teen Ink

The Tangled Jungle

December 7, 2010
By Molly Majewicz BRONZE, Berlin, Connecticut
Molly Majewicz BRONZE, Berlin, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Our tale begins deep within
a tangled jungle living in sin.
A leopard, young and brave,
his tortured home he hopes to save.

Through trees and vines he does go
to find a waterfall below
a silver disc that hangs above,
the only thing his enemy loves.

Up there the vulture sits with his clan,
perched and ready with a plan.
To rid of the leopard and his good,
his clan will fight with him as they should.

The water flowing from the disc
runs into a river. Hoping not to miss,
the leopard leaps and lands with grace.
He looks at the vulture, face to face.

They battled fiercely day and night,
until finally there was an unusual sight.
The vulture stood naked except
for the two feathers he had left.

The leopard then pushed him over the rim,
the clan knew the future would be grim.
The out of the blue came the vulture,
although he was thought to be dead for sure.

The leopard made a final pluck
while the vulture stood covered in muck.
One last fall the great bird took,
his clan taking a last, saddened look.

There stood the leopard, young and brave,
his beloved jungle he had saved.
His goodness ruled over the land,
and evil fell to the final stand.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 11 2011 at 4:22 pm
Molly Majewicz BRONZE, Berlin, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
hahaha amanda.... :))

on Jan. 10 2011 at 12:04 pm
amandapacheco BRONZE, Wallingford, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
So I put my hands up<br /> They&#039;re playing my song,<br /> And the butterflys fly away<br /> Noddin&#039; my head like yeah<br /> Moving my hips like yeah,<br /> And I got my hands up,<br /> They&#039;re playin my song<br /> I know I&#039;m gonna be ok<br /> Yeah, It&#039;s a party in the USA

could be better.......