Just Thinking | Teen Ink

Just Thinking

November 23, 2010
By Anonymous

I was thinking that if I were standing
In the middle of a crowd
And you were looking for me
You'd be blinded by the noise
And by the sound
Even if I shouted and
Tried to be clear
You wouldn't hear me
You'd still be there
And I'd be here
The sky above is blue
And the grass below is green
But those distinctive colors are blocked
By the air that's in between
It's brown and muddy foggy
That's why we lose our way
And can't find all that we're looking for
The songs to sing and words to say
And in the millions billions
Of people in the world
What are the chances
Of picking one shy girl?
To be the leader
Person speaker
That can command attention
There's no reason I'd be picked
Even if, I'd hand in my rejection
I don't want to be a great
Or anybody bigger than pencil on a slate
Things make their own worth
They can decide their own weight
I don't choose to make decisions
I'd just make fumbles, collisions
In my mind I'm even tinier
Than you can see
If I was picked to be a greater
Out of all, me
I'd give it up to someone else
I'm not meant
I'd be bent
And stuffed inside myself
While everybody out there
Isn't ready to face the day
I'm not ready to come all out
To stand up and say
What I believe
Or how I live
I'm too afraid to walk
And then on top of that
I'm too afraid to talk
But if I had the time
To think about it all
I don't really have to worry
I'm not up against the wall
It's not like I'm some person
That everybody sees
I'm not great or even strong
Just small, just quiet me
But with that all being said
I've still got things in my head
Inside this frame is power
At times hard to see
But still it's there
Quiet, breathing, dancing
And after all of this speculation
About being picked out of all
The population
Since I know I was already
It's kind of just creativity
I don't need to regret the words
I've said here or spoken
But I can remember them
Leave them here as a token
That I have a mind
And it's ready to be used
And if needed to be fused
With other minds that are just as great
As I pretend to be
Or know that I am
Inside already
And I give myself up
To the end
Letting go
The need to know
And sitting back

Just free

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this because of a Youtube video of Tanya Davis' song "Art".

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This article has 5 comments.

on Mar. 23 2021 at 9:29 am
Micahsws SILVER, Tirana, Other
7 articles 6 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
—80 million Americans crave extra chunky spaghetti sauce

if you are still on teenink, (which i doubt because th is if from 2010 and you said you were 17 in one post) could you say whether or not your opinion on homosexual people has changed? I expect it w
has just wanted to ask

on Apr. 21 2011 at 5:26 pm
SeasofSorrow GOLD, Miami, Florida
17 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Life aint all roses...it aint all thorns either.&quot; Firefox Magazine Pioneer <br /> &quot;Oh life goes on things will be ok, oh time flies, tomorrow is a brand new day, everyone makes a couple mistakes, somewhere along the way.&quot; Along the Way, EDGES, Aaron Tveit

Rock on ideed! :) I've gotta say, when you want raw poetry and raw emotions when you want that absolutely heart thumping beat. You turn to rock and roll ha-ha it really inpires because you react just as mentally to it as you do physically. Kin dof throbs your mind ya know? Anyhoo I'm glad we share a mutual agreement, something to have in common, I am very happy.

on Apr. 21 2011 at 11:49 am
SeasofSorrow GOLD, Miami, Florida
17 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Life aint all roses...it aint all thorns either.&quot; Firefox Magazine Pioneer <br /> &quot;Oh life goes on things will be ok, oh time flies, tomorrow is a brand new day, everyone makes a couple mistakes, somewhere along the way.&quot; Along the Way, EDGES, Aaron Tveit

As promised heres my comment :)

I thought it was actually alot more thought out than all the magazine writing I've been seeing on here. I'm kind of sick and tired of all these Taylor Swift knock offs and love sick sob fests. I understand it is someones emotions and they want to express themselves. Still, there has to be more to life than just getting dumped. What about the part where you go to the karaoke bar and sing "I Will Survive" at the very top of your lungs! I am missing alot of the truth in writing. Alot of the honesty I feel is being compromised by a need to write good, and not write solidly for your own good. I felt your poem was a little bit of a step back to the more well though out writing and completely fresh and so very sweet. Your thinking was very uplifting for me, I like seeing that old writing style, when writing was only about writing for you and then just letting chips fall into place where they may. Thanks for the lack of "tears falling down her cheeks into the cold dismal snow" and the "i loved him so much life isn't worth living without you" it kind of makes me happy to know that there is still some originality in here. It's nearly impossible to do, but I like different. Your poem was different, great job.