Gradutation | Teen Ink


October 4, 2010
By TDunn BRONZE, Chesnee, South Carolina
TDunn BRONZE, Chesnee, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On this wall sticking like glue, I look around
And all I see are bright blue gowns
I keep hearing what they have to say
And the memories they have made

Where am I?
What do they mean?
Where are they going?

The speeches are read
Diplomas are handed out
Tears fall, hands raise, and smiles blind the crowd
Confused by their reactions as the exit the stage
They cast their hats into the air.

I’m lost!
It has to be the Graduating class of 2011.
Time for the real world they all say…
Well it looks like it is time for me to fly away
All I have to say is “sniff”

The author's comments:
My english teacher gave an assignment and said the we have to write a poem about an object in the room while the students are graduating and share the feelings about it.

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