Girl Behind the Mask | Teen Ink

Girl Behind the Mask

September 8, 2010
By Anonymous

I'm the sinner
I'm the saint

I'm the girl behind the mask

A demon within the soul
With the face of an angel

I'm the lover
I'm the friend

I'm the son of the devil

The follower of God
The innocent child of death

I'm the sister
I'm the daughter
I'm the one that cares the most

I'm the demon behind the mask
I'm the evil in the shadows
I'm the light behind the sun

The darkness next to the moon
Hiding behind its shape

I'm the sinner
I'm the saint
I'm the lover
I'm the friend

And yet I feel no fear

The author's comments:
Seriously, a lot of people thought this was about me. However, it hardly is. I see some people, leading two different lives, and it's like watching two identical people lead different lives. Girl Behind the Mask is about someone that is two of one thing, and she's lost between the two.

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