A Love Unimaginable | Teen Ink

A Love Unimaginable

June 30, 2010
By Ashley Mehra BRONZE, McLean, Virginia
Ashley Mehra BRONZE, McLean, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fervor pierced the cup
To my lips
Slaking thirst with each droplet
The warmth lit up my body, quenching my soul.

I stared down at the cup,
Unadorned and serene
It was plain white

Extending my throbbing arm, I placed it beside me
hearing it reverberate
the echo resonated in my mind like a gunshot heard throughout a derelict city.

Thinking I was asleep, She tiptoed to the bedside table
Quietly, picking up the cup and saucer,
Laying each gently on the wooden, ancestral tray.
As she was walking out of the room,
I felt lips parting as a smile emerged.
I saw a vague image yet it was so lucid that it hurt
She was standing there, carrying my tray, beaming with love.

I attempted to awake to tell her that she is not my dutiful servant but I am hers
I am her blessed daughter
I am her faithful friend
I am the one that loves and cares for her
But as my eyelids opened, she disappeared with the tray, the saucer,
And the cup.

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This article has 5 comments.

on Jul. 28 2010 at 5:18 pm
ForeverFaith PLATINUM, Dansville, New York
20 articles 6 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"so this is how liberty dies, with a thunderous applause" -unknown

wow, the way you look at life is outstanding

on Jul. 25 2010 at 5:39 am
Delilah_Delusion SILVER, Corpus Christi, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
You&#039;re not sick you&#039;re just in love. <br /> -Irving Berlin

it's beautiful. ^^ 5 stars

Cynthia said...
on Jul. 23 2010 at 12:15 am

I wish I could write as beautiful as the author of this poem.

What a sweet poem!!

Blake said...
on Jul. 23 2010 at 12:13 am

I like the sanctity of the relationship described in the poem.

A lovely poem.

Tiffany said...
on Jul. 23 2010 at 12:11 am

Beautiful poem describing the love between a mother and her daughter.


A must read for all families.