Bleak | Teen Ink


June 3, 2010
By Ashley Dainas SILVER, Highland Park, Illinois
Ashley Dainas SILVER, Highland Park, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cold and lonely, I fear,
Lies the path of my tomorrows.
The future looms dark and heavy before me
Hardships await, lined up like the soldiers of a firing squad.
They carry with them choices, oh so many,
And not a one has an answer.
So many roads to take, down the way;
It’s easy to loose your way.
There are so many places to go wrong,
And no one gives a care at all, out there,
Whether you fly or fall.
I am so very small
And the world so great and terrible,
I fear I won’t have strength enough to endure
All that lies ahead.
The world is too wide for one such as I,
Am I fated to be swallowed up by the ceaseless swell of life?
Just another empty face
Standing all alone in the crowd

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