Five, A Poem | Teen Ink

Five, A Poem

June 3, 2010
By Ashley Dainas SILVER, Highland Park, Illinois
Ashley Dainas SILVER, Highland Park, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Five is a good number,
Not my favorite, but still,
A nice odd number on which to balance
As years rolls and miles span
Between our roving selves.

Five is a good number,
Though never mine, I’m sad to say.
I’ve been first and third and fourth,
But fifth I’ll never be
That belongs to a different “A” than I, you see.

Five is a good number,
As we stand all in a row,
I count myself out: one, two, three,
Third daughter, fourth youngest, first ours,
One fifth the whole, nevertheless,
Five is a good number to be.

The author's comments:
I've always been fascinated by numbers. One day this poem just sort of surged out of me. It's a playful little poem about the wonders of a large family.

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