When Forever ends | Teen Ink

When Forever ends

May 12, 2010
By ibebblling96 BRONZE, Bpwoe, Maryland
ibebblling96 BRONZE, Bpwoe, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When Forever Ends

I miss her so much
Why did I have to move?
She was special to me
She was there when no one else was
She use to release me from all my stress
We planned on spending the rest of our life together
We even looked up where we would go to college together
What we would name our children
I knew it was to good to be true
Sometimes I think back at all the good times we spent together
The late night phone calls
Hanging out at the park
Racing each other to the swings
Also all the times I tried to impress her father
To bad they never worked
She predicted that one of us might move far away from each other
I told her that I was going to always be there for her forever
So why am I here!
I left for what!
A school I’m not even welcomed in
I should be there with her right now, but instead I’m here
Well I guess forever has to end someday, but why did it have to end so soon

The author's comments:
This is a true story about me and my ex girlfriend. I moved so we broke up

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