Save Me | Teen Ink

Save Me

April 27, 2010
By Anonymous

I call you beautiful,
You call me crazy...
Yet still, i can never betray you.
I dont understand this,
Lost in a darkness i dont seek...
Never found.
Weeks without sleep.
Oh so sound.
Why dont you accept me?
I ask myself...why?
Is there more to this i dont see?
Or do i not see at all...
Seems like the stars blink out
And all thats left is a world without peace
And all i can think of is you.
Im so confused...
So lost...
This crazy place im in...
seems to have taken you...
all that is left of me.
Where is this warmness on the soul?
The last i want before death...
or perhaps before birth.
With you i see my new beginning
Or perhaps just my beginning
This murky abyss bears but friuts of pain
crushing me from all around
then i hear your voice...
see your face...
and i want to break down and die.
just wanting to be with you.
yet you still call me crazy...
not knowing what i feel for you.
Am i?
or am i the only sane one here?
Blind...but seeing clearer then ever...
This darkness to me looks alot like the light
But my only light is you.
Blind...or not...
It is all too damn confusing.
Help me find my way out.
This is all killing me...
You are killing me.
No...not being with you is killing me.
Maybe i am insane...
but this...
this is all for you.
this labrinth i walk...
so lost here...
you are my only way out.
so i ask you...
will you take my hand...
and save me?

The author's comments:
This is about a girl. One i currently like. It is just my feelings for her...and the turmoil im in for them.

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