Runaway | Teen Ink


April 11, 2010
By PEF11 GOLD, Larchmont, New York
PEF11 GOLD, Larchmont, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet's pen turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name"- William Shakespeare

Rain streams down her weary face
Stains the wrinkled clothes with dark splotches
Causes the carefully straightened hair to lose its form
And stick to the sides of her head
The dirt from the road springs with every step
Leaps onto the bottom of each pants leg
And defiles with equal passion
Her worn-out, mud-stained shoes
Her eyes fill with fear
Her frail form shivers in the cold
Oh, she’s only a child! What madness drives her through this downpour!
Confusion leaps up at her
Tears stream down her weary face
She trudges through the tempest

The author's comments:
One of my close friends ran away to Boston in February. This poem was my reaction.

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