Ever Again | Teen Ink

Ever Again

April 10, 2010
By Ashley Leung BRONZE, Manahawkin, New Jersey
Ashley Leung BRONZE, Manahawkin, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Yesterday at 11:57pm | Edit Note | Delete
Do you ever feel so embrassed that
You can't even think straight?
And feel like such a fool?
And you just have a little voice in your mind
"I told you so! I told you so!
I TOLD you so!"
And you knew that voice was right
But, you fought it
You just fought it
You fought it until it gave up
Because it was tired of you being stubborn
So, you put yourself out there
And your heart is shattered
So, in the end you
You become nothing
Just a little hermit
Taking the small piece left of your heart
And pulling it into your shell
Shielding your heart
Protecting it from hurt and pain
And never letting it go
Ever again

The author's comments:
A piece written when life gets you down.

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