If.... | Teen Ink


March 30, 2010
By tracknvball8 SILVER, Latham, New York
tracknvball8 SILVER, Latham, New York
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be able to go shopping for a bathing suit and not become depressed afterward."-Marilyn vos Savant

The wind outside is blowing hard
As I sit here and regret what I have done before
As I have done before
Procrastinating my homework
And staring into space
Staring up at the stars
Wondering what I could’ve done differently
And what could have happened

What if I had texted you back?
What if I had called you?
What if I had given you a high five?
What if I had given you a hug?
What if I had told you I liked you?

Would it have made a difference?
I don’t know
All I know now is that
The time has gone
The chance has flown by
And I’ll never know
What might have happened

Do I regret this?
Am I glad?
Should I fantasize?
Does it even matter?

I did tell you
I did like you
You had said it back

The author's comments:
this happens about 2305892758927452045897234 times every day. just saying. enjoy! :)

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