Unknown | Teen Ink


February 26, 2010
By brittany mclaughlin SILVER, Springdale, Arkansas
brittany mclaughlin SILVER, Springdale, Arkansas
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Why is the sky blue?
Why is the grass green?
Why is life unfair?
Why do the good die young?
Why do the brave die hard?
Why am I here and not there?
Why won’t it stop?
Why did it happen?
Why am I alone?
Why did you leave me?
Why are these things unknown?
I could tell you
A perfectly logical explanation
For all of these things
But I will only answer
The last question:
Why are all these things unknown?
They are unknown because
If I gave you the
Logical explication for them
You still would not know
Therefore they are unknown

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