Dear Christian | Teen Ink

Dear Christian

February 23, 2010
By mynameis GOLD, Bolingbrook, Illinois
mynameis GOLD, Bolingbrook, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Dear Christian,
I see your pain…
Dear Christian,
It’s not in vain…
Dear Christian.

Dear Christian
You suffer, bleed,
Christian for your Lord
But you, dear Christian,
Know what I mean.
The pain of mistakes bear heavy on thee.
Forgive yourself,
Dear Christian…
As God forgives thee.

Your trials, dear Christian,
Not so hard to see-
But they are burying you- burying me
Dear Christian,
I know you’ve heard this more then once-
Dear Christian,
You know salvation is not found in a gun-
Dear Christian
You can be free!
Dear Christian
God sets us free!
Dear Christian
I know you’ve been hurt,
To breaking points.
But Dear Christian,
The savior is near…
Dear Christian
He’s the voice you *need* to hear
Dear Christian
He dies for *your* life.
Dear Christian,
Now He fights for * your* right.
Dear Christian,
Isn’t it plain to see?.....
Dear Christian,
He’s standing right next to thee….
Dear Christian…
With arms open wide
Dear Christian,
No need to cry
*In the arms of The Savior forever*

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