Serene | Teen Ink


February 20, 2010
By leeeeeeeeeenie GOLD, Southbury, Connecticut
leeeeeeeeeenie GOLD, Southbury, Connecticut
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"not all those who wander are lost"

I cannot quite tell how the sun rises so high
Or how the night peaks so clear,
Nor can I decide why this grass is so green,
Or why I refuse to leave here.
All I can do is let my thoughts wander,
Perhaps I’ll find an answer more sincere.

And as I walk the road that has been my home
For sixteen years plus a hundred more memories,
I see the sun flecks continue to grace all of my skin,
I will never be ready to rid of these.
Today is the day that I stick down my roots,
I’m hoping that my father still sees.

The reminiscences flutter like the wings of the flies
That each summer I caught by night.
As far as I reached over my head with a jar,
They continued to attempt to take flight.
Once caught they appeared completely serene,
And I was surrounded by their light.

Perhaps being caught in an area enclosed
Is not the largest idea I should dread.
I’m rooted to these grounds, but roots can be removed
It’s what they all try to put in my head.
I won’t feel the sun and I won’t see the night
And all the rest is still left unsaid.

But for now, I walk the road I’ve known
Even though it’s all that I’ve seen.
I ponder for a moment if I’d like to glimpse more
And I still don’t know just what I mean.
Still for now I will walk, and feel at home,
Knowing that as long as I’m here, I’m serene.

The author's comments:
this poem was written in the style of seamus heaney, the accomplished poet who incorporated nature into his everyday life.

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