You are | Teen Ink

You are

February 16, 2010
By Paradise16 SILVER, Tampa, Florida
Paradise16 SILVER, Tampa, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are winter
cold and harsh
With a bitter temperament
and a frozen heart

You are fire
warm and bright
A passionate blaze
always willing to fight

You are the ocean
buzzing with life
A sea of emotion
majestic in sight

You are a storm
raging with spite
A true work of nature
full of hatred and might

You are the wind
gentle but strong
A graceful dancer
humming a song

You are the sun
king of the skies
A wielder of great power
with the will to survive

You are a forest
Wild and untamed
An unexplored haven
That beasts have maintained

You are a god
With a beauty unmatched
You alone hold my heart
In your emotive grasp

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