Because an Allegory would be too Complicated | Teen Ink

Because an Allegory would be too Complicated

January 22, 2010
By pandabbalove BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
pandabbalove BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can tell
From the scars on my arms
And the cracks on my hips
And the dents in my car
And the blisters on my lips
That I'm not the carefullest of girls
-From "Girl Anachronism" by the Dresden Dolls

Poetry, you will be the death of me.
Understatement or overstatement?

Allusion hurts the most—
Makes me think God’s laughing at me
(and the Greeks too).

Ironic that I manage to slide by
Perhaps I’m just speaking figuratively.
I’m certainly not being symbolic.

My head is rattled now.
I’ll save denotation
For another day.

The author's comments:
An extra credit poem for AP lit & comp

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