Are you controling it or is it controlling you???? | Teen Ink

Are you controling it or is it controlling you????

January 27, 2010
By lullu GOLD, St. Paul, Minnesota
lullu GOLD, St. Paul, Minnesota
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I&mdash; <br /> I took the one less traveled by, <br /> And that has made all the difference -Robert Frost<br /> &quot;Be the change you wish to see in this world&quot;-Gandhi<br /> &quot;Love the art in yourself rather than yourself in the art&quot;Constantin Stanislavsky.

The thing haunts day and night.
It steals brain power for remembering dates and numbers.
It laughs at lazyiness among mankind while it charges.
It's rude and obnoxious especially when a person talks to it and forgets about another human being in proximity.
It eavsdrops on conversations.
It senses weaknesses of human phyche and jumps quickly to remind a person of a new message.
It watches everything through an irridescent screen.
It touches people  whenever a person picks it up.
It clings to humans like a leech sucking the blood like a mosquito; creating blood shot eyeballs glueing to the screen.
It brings out the worst in people when the object can not be found; a Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde personality appears as a person curses and searches for it.
 It is also a theif magnet becuase of the value to mankind.
It makes a person dependable on this object.
 Is it really a neccessity to have around all of the time?
People before us lived without it.
 Beware of the object
Cuase it's your tv, cellphone, video game, I pod, I touch, pager, or whatevs
Are you controling it or is it controling you? 

The author's comments:
I got an itouch for my birthday. I love it except when I'm playing a game and the itouch beats me at it. So one night I was playing checkers... I embarrassingly lost 17 times to the itouch and it was heading torwards morning. Ahhh technolgy !!! Do you have any funny experinces with gadgets??? please tell!!!

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