Girl Of My Dreams | Teen Ink

Girl Of My Dreams

December 20, 2009
By Eggz62792 SILVER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Eggz62792 SILVER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

With every cigarette she smokes, her beauty fades.
With every drink she consumes, her life withers away.
With every kiss you granted me, I tasted bliss; now you wreak of death.
Yet, I said you were the girl of my dreams.
Looking back on yesterday, there lies the one I loved; different and far from complex.
Things became complicated and you changed completely.
But who you were makes me continuously call you the girl of my dreams.
Drugged up and stoned, overlooking my presence.
Who we were seemed to have never happened to you.
Communication becomes inept and our eyes inspect each other as unfamiliar.
However, you always were the girl of my dreams.
A simple hook-up that grew into something more.
A fork placed in our path, and we fell apart.
Acquainted still, I've watched you reform to mishap.
I miss you, at least who you were.
For you, my dear, used to be the girl of my dreams.

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