Letting Go | Teen Ink

Letting Go

October 25, 2009
By LSpoet BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
LSpoet BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
dont leave the one you love for the one you like because the one you like will leave you for the one they love.

day one
phone Rings
dIal tone
danger danger
run away
far far away
feel numb
you can’t take the Pain

day two
of your new life
the eMptiness begins to take over
you feel lost without him
the daydreams begin
You remember his smell
you touch his face
then realize its just a picture
danger danger
run away
far far away
jump off the cliff
you Don’t want to breathe

day three
of this stupid time on earth
your memoriEs sink in
the happy ones
the time at the park
every time
dAnger danger
run away
far far away
you never want to smile
you’re afRaid he’ll see you
and be sad
you wAnt him to be happy

day four
mourNing sucks
i cry a lot
Grief hurts
i want to hold him
pain is okay
i want to feEl what he felt
when he flew away

month three
you begin to master the art of Letting go.

The author's comments:
For those who have lost something dear to their heart <3

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