Summer | Teen Ink


October 16, 2009
By Kelly Heekin BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Kelly Heekin BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The tangy scent of chlorine
Hands greasy with sun-tan lotion,
lay down towels on lazy lounge chairs.

The spring and bounce of the diving board
Into the cold, crisp water

Icy popsicles, a welcome contrast ,
a small relief from the enveloping hotness
of this summer day.
A race against the sun
as it tries to melt the frozen escape.

The sound of heat
Heavy and thick
Pressing down like a dense fog,
dulling the senses
hushing hearing like a pair of earmuffs

As the day ends, sunburned skin
in the cold smothering of soothing aloe

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