TUBING | Teen Ink


October 7, 2009
By Anonymous

Find a life jacket that fits
And jump into the ice cold water.
I pull myself up on the tube,
And get ready for some fun.

Sitting, anxiously waiting for the boat to move.

Off we go!
Tight, fast circles, going in and out of the wake,
Tube soaring high above the water,
Screaming, hoping I don’t fall off.

The driver tries their best to throw me off that tussling tube,
But so far it’s not working.
I use every little bit of energy
I have in me to keep myself from falling off.

Muscles shaking, water pricking my face,
Wind blowing my hair in my eyes.
So far so good, until
The driver does something I don’t see coming.

He fakes left, and quickly turns a sharp right.
Jerking the rope,
It makes me fling backwards,
And I end up flying off
The side of the tube.

I’m screaming at the top of my lungs
As I plummet into the water.
I flip and go down deep until
The life jacket takes effect and brings
Me back up to the shining surface.

Falling off is the worst part.
Getting flung off the tube,
Choking on water,
Not knowing which way’s up,
And which way’s down
Can be so scary.
But once I get it over with,
It’s all good.
I just want to get back up there
And do it all again.

The long day of tubing has finally come to an end;
Or so I thought.
I’m about to step out of the boat,
Body shaking, muscles aching,
When suddenly the driver decides to go out
For one last ride.
Oh here we go again!

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