Crumbling | Teen Ink


September 12, 2009
By JazzyCazzy BRONZE, Vallejo, California
JazzyCazzy BRONZE, Vallejo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I keep trying to play back in my head what could've turned you off. What did I do wrong? I tried my damndest to stay strong. I couldn't help but fold. Is that why things aren't the same. Why did your feelings for me change? I apologize in the long run, for all my mistakes yet to be made. I hope I didn't make a bad impression. That's not who I am. I get crazy, I get foolish. It's not me really talking just the Absolut. But when I'm clean and near you I still act the same cause I'm stumbling for you. Let me change your mind. I can change myself, rearrange. I still like you alot. So can't you please save me a slot in your heart.

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