A Misty Day | Teen Ink

A Misty Day

September 19, 2009
By Enting! BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Enting! BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Misty Day

A misty day,
the barren trees,
leafless and still.
And the trees far away,
like the skeletons of leaves
on the street.
Shapes in the distance;
come slowly into sight
as you walk
on a misty, misty day.
Streetlights, with small circles of light.
Drifting uncertainly down,
and then swallowed by the
The sky looks close,
but far away.
Just one gray canvas;
not even a bird.
The silence is eerie
the sounds muffled,
with the thick curtain of

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