Mom, I Wish I Could | Teen Ink

Mom, I Wish I Could

July 5, 2024
By Yuting_Z SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Yuting_Z SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Mom, I wish I could unhear your voice

So I wouldn’t know your disappointment

When I didn’t get the first place

Mom, I wish I could unsee your figure

So I wouldn’t notice the ten pounds you lost

After knowing I am gay

Mom, I wish I could run out of water

So no tears would be dropped

When I thought of your face

Mom, I wish I could unlove you

So there would be no more suffer

And I would be saved

The author's comments:

Family love can be complicated, especially when it gets intertwined with my unaccepted sexual orientation. Loving becomes a suffer, and the only way out seems to be unloving, or, forgetting.

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