Today | Teen Ink


June 25, 2024
By WriterSky BRONZE, Norman, Oklahoma
WriterSky BRONZE, Norman, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Today I walk past the trees that we always admired.

Today I walked past the pond that we would jump in when the summers got to hot.

Today I walked past the cottage up the pebble road, the cottage that we said was going to look just like our future home.

Today I walked past the roses you gave me and the letter you wrote me,

Today I realized that there’s more things in life then you.

I realized how you left me in the ocean to drown,

I realized how you stabbed my back with the double edged dagger,

I realized how you never loved me, you were only there for her.

Today I walked past the ripped pictures,

Today I walked past the angry and confused text,

Today I walked past the rocks I threw in the yard.

I’ll have you know, that today, I walked.

I walked past the pain and the memories you gave me,

the sickness and the love,

the remorse and happiness.

Today I walked past you,

and I didn’t turn back.

The author's comments:

This piece is about how msomeone feels victorious moving on from a past relationship.

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