merciful hades | Teen Ink

merciful hades

June 9, 2024
By liyac SILVER, New York, New York
liyac SILVER, New York, New York
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

oh merciful hades,

let death’s embrace, 

be quiet and calm,

for me.

hear my humble plea,

grant me passage to your tranquil abode,

where restless spirits may find their peace below.

beneath the earth, where shadows dance free.

where the styx flows cold,

let me find solace once my story unfolds.

release me gently from life’s weary grasp,

i beg for no fiery torment,

no endless strife,

just quiet and solitude,

in the afterlife.

guide me softly to your realm below,

let me rest in eternal glow.

oh merciful hades,

hear my final breath,

grant me serenity,

in a peaceful death.

with your grace,

let my journey cease,

grant me a sweet release.

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