Last Night | Teen Ink

Last Night

May 31, 2024
By V-24swim BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
V-24swim BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take my hand, hold it tight, 

Because in the morning I know,

you will be gone from mind;

I want to scream it out to you:

Why can’t you stay here, here with me!

When you know life is so much 

better together than apart. 

So give me one night, where it’s only us, 

You and I against time, 

A night where you can take my hand

And hold it tight, may our

last kiss feel like eternity,

To close our eyes knowing,

That we meant everything…

Because when the shimmering sun hits my skin, 

I can’t help but feel a shiver down my spine;

My hand will be loose,

With the lingering touch, 

That it was you.

The author's comments:

A free verse poem. About two people in love living their last night together. When the people are together they have a meter is 6 than 8, but break it when the are apart, to show that the create a stable rhythm but stop when they are apart

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