🖤Dear little doll🖤 | Teen Ink

🖤Dear little doll🖤

May 27, 2024
By TarantulaLover BRONZE, Bristol, Vermont
TarantulaLover BRONZE, Bristol, Vermont
3 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Although you aren't real

But sculpted and sewn

Its as if when i'm feeling sad

You'll always know

You will smile at me

Clearing the sad from my brain

And away with the sadness there goes all the pain


Your tiny simple frame made perfect for holding

Your sparkly eyes with a face always glowing

With pretty hair, your a bundle of joy

In my eyes you'll always be more than a toy

You may not have emotions, feel love or even speak

However something that listens is all i'll truly need


Your always so patient, so calm and so kind

Even when i drop you, you don't seem to mind

And if you were to break i know as a fact

Whether sculpting, sewing or glueing id keep you intact

Id show you the kindness that i've come to see

I know your not real, yet your real to me

The author's comments:

i collect doll and wanted to make a poem about how i feel towards them, i only have a few friends and im not very social so i find dolls to be a very comforting hobby. :) 

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