Mini Me | Teen Ink

Mini Me

May 22, 2024
By KariysaJ_ BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
KariysaJ_ BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mini me
Follows behind where I go
Holds my hand to play,
Always glued to mine night and day

My mini me
Sometimes won’t talk to me,
Instead just hums his sweet melody.
He’ll stay in his own little bubble,
One I wish I could see into at times

My mini me
He doesn’t need to talk all the time,
His sweet gestures tell me everything I need to know.
His actions speaking louder than his words ever could

My mini me
Gives me his tiny hand to kiss to ensure sweet dreams
Bounces up and down when he spots me in my room asleep.
His soft fingers wrapped in my hand as his eyes start to close.

My mini me
Grabs my arm to show me the way
Mm! Mm! Is what he’ll say
But I know that he wants to play.

My mini me
Makes my eyes overflow with tears,
As if he’s turning the handle to the faucet in my eyes
His sweet smile that brightens the moment,
His mouth making the right shapes to say,

The author's comments:

Tribute to my little brother 

Hope yall enjoyed <3

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