Things I Love | Teen Ink

Things I Love

May 16, 2024
By J_Romig BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
J_Romig BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love my creative writing

Having words spew out of my brain

Onto the blank paper

The words being

As clear as mud

I love my chaotic family

The fun moments we share

And the laughs we have

That are sweet as chocolate

I love my painting

Moving my wrist along with the old brush

The imperfections in the acrylic paint

Which proves my humanity

And that life is a rollercoaster

I love my yelling

To get all my energy out

And just scream away

All the horrible pain

And exhausting anger

I love my sculpting

Feeling the squishy clay

Slowly smoothing out the rough texture

Spending my time on something so small

That means something so big to me

I love my laughing

When my side painfully cramps u

Tears well in my eyes

And I’m struggling to breathe

It makes me feel

On top of the world

I love my dark late night showers

The pitter-patter of the water

The silence in the house

The darkness

The serenity

I love my unique flowers

Roses, daisies,

Sunflowers and more

No matter the imperfections

They are all gorgeous.

I love my family theatre

Reciting long paragraphs

And soliloquies

Stumbling on my words

Knowing that behind the person I am

Is the character I was cast to be.

I love my pride month

It helps me remember I’m not alone

That people died for my rights to exist

That others are in the same boat as I.

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