Growing Old | Teen Ink

Growing Old

May 16, 2024
By 4stechner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4stechner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cold wind froze even the crisp skies,

years ago, we found ourselves,

constructing forts, sledding down hills,

and staying up all night hunting Santa. 

The flowers began to bloom as rain showers fell. 

As the year passed, we used to find

joy in flying a kite, using chalk on sidewalks,

And searching for our easter baskets with treats. 

As the scorching temperatures kept rising, I remember,

All of our little outdoor adventures, such as,

Riding our scooters around the streets, playing with RC cars,

And the joy of feeling the freedom of not going to school for three months. 

But now the leaves were rapidly changing colors,

And all I can think about is,

The leaf piles we would jump in, the hayrides,

And the pumpkin carvings that would always make a mess.

Don’t take those little moments for granted because they disappear each year you grow.

The author's comments:

This piece is about cherishing childhood memmories. 

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