Pursuing Voice | Teen Ink

Pursuing Voice

May 8, 2024
By jajyjle BRONZE, Cypress, California
jajyjle BRONZE, Cypress, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." -Mahatma Gandhi

The world is overrun

with corrupt authorities.

The people

must do something.

But we can't.


We fight for justice,

we fight for voice.

We raise posters in the air

to get their attention.

But we can't.


The human mind

is ineffable.



But they don't care.


We must raise our hands

into the air.

We must fight

for the glory of America.

And get Her freedom back.

The author's comments:

I believe that in today's community, there are often social classes everywhere. For example, rich people can treat the poor as if they are worth more than them. Also, some countries have authorities that don't listen to the people's voices, only making decisions for their benefit. Therefore, I want to spread awareness about the superiority complex and how it is destroying Earth as we know it. 

The main driving factor that inspired this piece was the Stanford Prison Experiment. In this experiment, researchers made a fake prison and gave three students the role of police officers. They also gave a handful of other students the role of prisoners. Throughout a week of "fake prison play," there were reports of the prisoners crying about being so badly treated by these officers.

People must learn that all individuals, no matter their placement in social class, are made to be equal. All people deserve to have the same amount of rights and privileges as anyone else.

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