Her Dreams In Naples | Teen Ink

Her Dreams In Naples

April 27, 2024
By Zoie0518 SILVER, Jinan, Other
Zoie0518 SILVER, Jinan, Other
9 articles 11 photos 0 comments

She shattered, then reassembled, endlessly circulating
She raced, eager to pass the secret tunnel leading to the boundless deep sea
Toward the clouds, the wind, the bright moon, toward her heart's longing
Yet before her lay a bright red ledger
Still adorned with crimson scars
Wafting the smell of rotting pig flesh
She recited silently, defeated once more
In the dilapidated old city
She embraced her, their souls intertwining
They talked of the boundless deep sea, talked of the bright moon
Then fell asleep
Awakening, once again defeated
Realizing it was another incoherent dream
She woke up with her on the rocky shore
But the sound of shattering was no longer within her
Gazing at the ledger in her hand
Her body throbbing faintly
Then she told her
To run, never stop, until the sea turns blue
Years later, she made it, she arrived in Florence
Carrying both their dreams, carrying the tale of Naples
Their story, not gentle, but sincere
Gazing at the distant azure sea
She dreamed, yet also proud

The author's comments:

It's a poetry based on Neapolitan Quartet.

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