Remain | Teen Ink


April 22, 2024
By Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
20 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary. It's time to do it now and do it loud." - Dr. Death-Defying

I could listen to your voice all day

I’d never get bored

Never get tired of the ups and downs

You could talk about anything

From solar flares from the same light that warms your face

To the very earth that connects us


No matter the distance in space

The difference in time

I trust you

To the ends of the earth I would walk for you

The mountains sing your song

The wind whistles your name

The leaves paint me a beautiful picture of you

I see your smile in the clouds as the rain echoes the sound of my beating heart


You’re like an early sunset in late January

Calming colors washing over the Donau on my way home

The sound of the water’s music, second only to your voice

Spoken word isn’t capable of expressing how a poet would describe you

Nor a painting able to capture the essence of your beauty


Every word you say

Every letter you type

Is as precious to me as all of the gold in the world

I savor each one like the finest ambrosia

A blessing in my very life


I long to feel your touch send an electric shock through me

As I know that it would, in my heart of hearts

My blood bleeds red, but for you, it could bleed any color you’d like

But for now, I remain contented in you

In hearing your voice, despite the distance

I remain connected

I remain yours

Connected by everything that surrounds you

What surrounds you, surrounds me

Therefore, forever and always

I remain here to exist for you

I remain yours

The author's comments:

I wrote this when I was maintaining relationships abroad, being over 4,000 miles away from most of my friends. One person was special, so I wrote for them.

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