forever... | Teen Ink


April 3, 2024
By JingwenZhangNina BRONZE, Guangzhou, Other
JingwenZhangNina BRONZE, Guangzhou, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

i once thought true friendship is permanent

like the pallid and faded grey, above

when i lift my head towards the sky---

with hopeful eyes---


---how i love this irony

same room, same words uttered

ex- friends, ex- lovers---

stars scattered


how lovely

pretty little feelings--i'm sorry

sometime they will turn to memories

faint echoes in the valley groves

oh blue birds! sing for me

mourn my petty loss

let the touch of harp strings die

in the sleep and slumber

of the wistful summer night

The author's comments:

This poem is just about the slow acceptance that nothing is eternal, especially relationships. But its ok, and there is beauty to the inpermanence too. 

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