Party Of Four | Teen Ink

Party Of Four

March 14, 2024
By Via-Elliott GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
Via-Elliott GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Goodbye, everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy!"

A lively group

A colorful group

A group of four sits at a table

Each with distinct names and faces

To the far left

A girl in a light blue sweater

Gives a sweet smile to the camera

A Stanley mug sitting near her on the table

Her dark blonde hair comes to her shoulders

Elegant glasses resting on her face

The frames of which look like perfect eyeliner

A pretty individual overall

Her name is Megan

To the right

Sits another girl

Giving a thumbs up to the camera

Her smile a bit awkward, but beautiful nonetheless

A yellow jacket is visible behind the macbook decorated in stickers she sits in front of

Her long brown hair let down

Draping itself over her shoulder and down her back

While one dangly earring poking out from her hair

Her name is Kimber

To the right once more

Sits a boy wearing green

Leaned towards Kimber

Giving a peace sign to the camera

His hair long and fluffy

Smiling kindly

The only boy at a table of girls

But he does not look out of place among them

His name is Luka

And finally, on the right

Sits a blonde girl wearing a black top

Who is possibly the most flamboyant of the group

Leaned forward to rest on the table, an arm draped over the other

She holds up a peace sign like Luka and sticks out her tongue

Her right hand decorated with rings

A watch on her wrist, and a charm bracelet on her left wrist

She smiles widely as her tongue sticks out

Her name is Olivia

The four are mismatched

All different

But they are a team

A party of four

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