The Beauty of a Storm | Teen Ink

The Beauty of a Storm

February 26, 2024
By MalenaM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
MalenaM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dark clouds taint the sky

A raging barrier 

Full of complex beautiful swirls of grey

Flashes of light

A dazzling streak of white

Illuminating the night sky

It fades away into darkness

The wind howls

Choking out the sound of bouncing rain

As it strikes the ground in rhythm

Looking for recognition

Thunder rumbles 

Echoing through your bones

It’s deep voice ever-changing

As it constantly pursues the violent streaks of white 

The sky dims,

As it closes its eyes

Darkness descends 

Blind to the destruction that ensues

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