Hand in Hand | Teen Ink

Hand in Hand

February 26, 2024
By Autumn_1432 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Autumn_1432 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you remember us, 
Us calling for hours,
Us having a bond no one could break,
Us having each other.

Do you remember,
When you came to visit,
When we were together,
When nothing could break us apart. 
Do you remember that?
Before we knew,
Before you told me,
Before everything fell apart.
Yes, I remember all of that,
All of the pain,
All of the worrying,
All of it I couldn't bear to hear. 

I remember that night all too well,
The news that rang in my ears,
The news that broke me apart,
The news that you had cancer. 

I remember telling myself that,
She’ll be ok,
She’ll make it through,
None of it ever made a difference. 

You’re still here but I still can’t reach you,
No matter how far I stretch,
No matter how far I reach,
You’re still miles away,
Miles away from me,
This is how it's bound to end? 
Me and you apart forever. 

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