Going to see grandpa | Teen Ink

Going to see grandpa

February 26, 2024
By breck_rustad BRONZE, 55009, Minnesota
breck_rustad BRONZE, 55009, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let's go see Grampa

Pack your bags

We are going on a trip

Long car ride

All waiting for one moment

So many cars

All types of colors

White, black, silver, and gray

All different shapes and sizes

12 long hours

Of doing nothing

Bored to tears

Waiting to see my family

Lots of hills

The rocky walls

That's how you know your close

One more hour

To go see your host

Once you get there

So much fun

You can just lay there

In the sun

The author's comments:

This is about going to see my grandpa who lives far away and whom I don't see a lot.

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