Lost and Hopeful | Teen Ink

Lost and Hopeful

February 26, 2024
By OHans7 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
OHans7 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking through the dark woods

On this dark silent night

No crickets chirping 

No animals scurrying in the bushes

No leaves rustling in the wind

No cars driving on the road

I’m all  by myself

Alone with the trees 

The rough feeling of bark

Is so uncomforting

I don’t know how I got here

I don’t remember anything

My brain as dark as the night

My body cold

And shivering

I began to run

But where was I running too

For I could not see anything

I was lost 

And was now crying too

I screamed for help

But no one could hear

Everything was dark

My stomach filled with fear

I just wanted the light

Just a little to see

Maybe then someone would find me

And I could go home 

Be comfy in my bed

Get a good night sleep

And finally, be able to rest

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