A Normal Day Until It Wasn't | Teen Ink

A Normal Day Until It Wasn't

February 26, 2024
By 27ds02 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
27ds02 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Today was a normal day.

I went to school, did work

It was a nice and sunny day

So warm and peaceful

I get on a big yellow vehicle 

The bald driver drove the kids home

It was my stop. In front of me,

Was a big brown house

I go inside the big brown house

I go up the brown stairs, to my room

I picked up my black backpack

and took out my math homework

Once I finished,

The clock showed 10:30 pm…

So why is the sun coming up..?

The author's comments:

Atomic bombs, when exploded, can light up the whole sky. This piece is about what would happen if a surprise atomic bomb attack happened near you. A normal day, until it wasn't.

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