Our End Is Nigh | Teen Ink

Our End Is Nigh MAG

February 20, 2024
By artistic-amelioration SILVER, Fulton, New York
artistic-amelioration SILVER, Fulton, New York
8 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Fiction is a lie that tells us true things over and over.” -Neil Gaiman

The end is nigh
Frozen ash falls from the sky covering everything with a pale grey skin.
Nothing escapes its grasp
The trees stand lifeless, cold to the touch.
The sky is dark at midday, bright with the light of the moon
at twelve. Work stops and people spill
wine instead of tears.
The world isn’t ending, we are

The author's comments:

{The world was} here before us. And if we're not careful, {it's} gonna be here after" -Dr. Malcom (paraphrased)

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