The Woods | Teen Ink

The Woods

February 4, 2024
By taylorp14 BRONZE, Key West, Florida
taylorp14 BRONZE, Key West, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

The woods are dark, the path unclear

I follow blindly, filled with fear

The mist creeps in, a shroud of grey

And I am lost, with no clear way

The trees loom tall, their branches bare

No sound but my own ragged air

I stumble on, with heavy heart

And wonder how I fell apart

For just like in these woods, so deep

I sometimes lose my way in life's sweep

The mist descends, I cannot see

And I am lost, just like in this tree-filled sea

But then I hear a distant sound

A voice that echoes all around

It guides me through the misty night

And brings me back into the light

So if you're lost just like me

In life's dark woods, where you can't see

Remember that there's always hope

And you can find your way back up the slope.

The author's comments:

The poem "The Woods" speaks to the universal feeling of being lost, both literally and metaphorically. The author draws inspiration from the physical setting of the woods, where the mist obscures the path and the trees loom tall and intimidating. The fear and uncertainty that the speaker experiences in the woods mirror the emotions that arise when we feel lost in our own lives. 


However, the poem also offers a message of hope. The distant voice that guides the speaker through the mist represents the idea that even in our darkest moments, there is always a way out. By keeping faith and trusting in ourselves, we can find the path that leads us back to the light. The poem encourages readers to remember this message and to never lose hope, even when they feel lost in the woods of life.

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