Everyday Beauty | Teen Ink

Everyday Beauty

February 4, 2024
By 25jchun SILVER, Tenafly, New Jersey
25jchun SILVER, Tenafly, New Jersey
9 articles 10 photos 0 comments

In the mundane rhythm of everyday life 

Without magic ever being alive,

Where the factory of everyday molds,

Dictates what each teenager unfolds,

Through their tired eyes and weary sighs,

There is no world with wonder in the skies.

While following the standard of success,

We all strive hard to impress,

While losing the sunset glow and the ocean flow,

Because we’re too busy with being in the know,

Who keeps track of what we can really express?

The world has much more to possess!

Burdened by homework’s weight and essays we have to create,

We can’t enjoy a heartfelt talk with family and friends

Or melody of birds and insects in our state, 

On morning walks with cool breeze it all depends. 

But with endless checklist and hustle on our plate,

We miss the beat our own heart sends.

Failing to see the values that are permanent,

We forget how to embrace the day.

There goes the unnoticed, fleeing moment,

Making us ignore the beauty of harmony

And blinding us with a nonstop train of argument,

Since today’s world has people split.

In the mundane rhythm of everyday life,

It is not the entertainment from rigid screens

That brings us support to carry out our journey.

The way quiet rain hits the greens

Is what eases thoughts that are so stormy,

Alleviating our collective trauma and painful scenes.

In the rat race of life, we miss the sun’s soft ray,

Everyday beauty is ignored in the rush and the sway.

The author's comments:

This was my first attempt at writing poetry. I wanted to try to write a poem because I always felt that poetry was the most difficult type of creative writing. After thinking about the current state of the world, I thought beauty in everyday life was a relevant topic to write about in this creative piece.

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