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Watch it

January 20, 2024
By Jtizzle BRONZE, Avondale, Pennsylvania
Jtizzle BRONZE, Avondale, Pennsylvania
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

The clock ticks whether we are looking or not,

It ticks if you are living or are unfortunate enough to not be,

Every time that clock ticks it is a moment you can never return to

That idea is beautiful, 

Every moment that is or was, is yours 

From your point of view and no one can take that away,

Every moment is signified by the tick or tock of the grand clock. 

So to you I thank you

For commanding the clocks and the sun,

The moon and the earth.

Not an hour passes by without you carefully curating each second of each minute because you care, because you are the father and mother of all.

The rivers that you let flow and the canyons they carved were all watched adoringly by you,

From the moment I was born till the day I perish you are my only constant,

You are thought to be the bringer of change but you are really the caretaker of growth,

Without you the flowers would never bloom and the children would never age,

Without you we would be a screenshot of an empty universe that I am sure you would still love.

The author's comments:

I think that time is beautiful and is something we need to cherish and appreciate.

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