Am I? | Teen Ink

Am I?

January 16, 2024
By Jennifer-679gurl BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Jennifer-679gurl BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Am I a disaster or perfection?

Am I a role model or a trouble maker?

These questions in my head 

Makes conflicts and depression instead

The two parts of me depend on the society

No matter what I do or say

I’m always different in everyone’s eyes

But I’m a simple, despised loner

Who won’t tell unless asked

I don’t know what is right or wrong

Some see me as an enemy 

Some as an advantage

But never a friend

You may see me as an option

But I’m more than that

I have eyes to see the reality

And ears to hear the gossips and cruelty

The whole world is changing 

And the kids are learning 

If I speak the words that bring light

Then the world wouldn’t listen 

 But that's what you call truth

My words are bitter and unpleasant to the ear

But come and see through my witnessing eyes

Lies sugarcoated with perfection

You may see me as darkness

But the question is 

Am I?

The author's comments:

Some people live in a pool of lies to leap ahead in life but they always find a dead end. I know it's not easy to live with the truth but it will always have a good ending. 

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